

Dry Shampoo: Batiste Vs Polished London Vs Girlz Only

Batiste Dry Shampoo in Fresh, Polished London Dry shampoo in Bonny Blonde, Girlz Only Dry shampoo

Batiste Dry Shampoo in Fresh

I have been a Long time lover of Batiste Dry shampoo, so when I saw that they had come out with a new scent/type of dry shampoo I had to try it. After trying it for the first time I instantly fell in love, and it quickly became my favourite dry shampoo. The smell of this is exactly what it says, Fresh. It also does what it is supposed to, which is refreshing the hair, and keeping it looking fresh all day. I find with Batiste dry shampoos that they also make my blonde hair lighter, which is defiantly a help when you have brown re-growth creeping up. If you haven't tried this version of Batiste dry shampoo I suggest you check it out.

Polished London Dry Shampoo in Bonny Blonde

I found this one the worst out of the three, It is supposed to be 'Bonny Blonde' for blonde hair but I found it did not bring colour back to my blonde hair (like most other dry shampoos do) nor did it refresh or do its job properly. I was so disappointed in this product because I had hope that I had found a cheaper version of my favorite Batiste dry shampoo, but was left very, very disappointed. 
Girlz Only dry shampoo

This dry shampoo refreshes you hair, and I found it lightens my blonde hair slightly. The problem I have found is that It does not stay refreshed for long, but what can you expect from a cheap $2 dry shampoo?

The clear winner out of the dry shampoos is definitely Batiste Dry shampoo particularly in Fresh as it is my favorite. It not only refreshes my hair and stays like that all day but I also love the smell of it which makes it the overall winner. 

Im not sure what I thought I'd learn by comparing these dry shampoos, but I found out that if you want a quality product, you have to pay the price (it's not really that expensive)

Whats your favourite dry shampoo?


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