

Review | Dirty Works Buff Your Stuff Body Scrub

Firstly I would like to apologise for being absent from The Beauty Box lately, my life has been really, really hectic. The end of June is always a busy month for me with over half of my families birthdays in one week, it gives me no time to myself so blogging hasn't been an option. I have also had a pretty crappy cold for the last two weeks, on top of being moved around for work which has stressed me out.  Secondly the weather in Melbourne has been pretty drab, so this means limited natural sunlight; and me working full time means getting home after 7:30, so unfortunately I haven't been able to take any photos for my blog. Enough of the sob story, and onto my review!

I was lucky enough to be given the chance to try a couple of Dirty Works products, and buff your stuff body scrub was definitely my favourite.

When I first laid eyes on Dirty Works products at 
Coles, they immediately reminded me of Soap & Glorys packaging because its so quirky. Now I haven't tried any of Soap & Glorys products so I cant tell you if they are similar or not, but Dirty Works Buff your stuff body scrub is divine. Like all body scrubs, they are best used in the bath or shower, on wet skin. I use Dirty Works Buff your stuff in circular motions on my legs to help with the dry skin that has popped up in winter.

Buff Your Stuff is made perfectly, so that when you open the lid it doesn't spill all over you. Buff Your Stuff body scrub is made up of large granules of almond, shea butter and Vitamin E oil which I felt helped my skin feel smooth and silky after washing the product off. I usually come out in big rash's when I use products that contain shea butter, but for some strange reason I have never broken out in hives when using Dirty Works Buff your stuff body scrub.

Overall I love using Dirty Works Buff Your Stuff Body scrub, especially because it is great removing the dead skin from my legs, and leaving them silky smooth afterwards.

Have you tried any Dirty Works products? if so whats your favourite? 

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